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VICE News Shorts

Donald Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court

President Trump has announced his nomination for the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch.
VICE News Shorts

President Trump's First Speech

It's official: President Donald Trump is now the leader of the United States.

Modern Day Exorcisms

The U.S. is home to 20 percent of the world’s exorcists. VICE investigates why the phenomenon of exorcism is on the rise.
The 2016 US Election

Pro-Trump Breitbart News: 'Bernie people are our people'

VICE News followed Breitbart's politics team as they covered a Bernie or Bust protest in Philadelphia.
The 2016 US Election

"Did You Bring Your Kneepads?" Female Politicians Speak of Their Journeys to Power

Some of the most well-known women in Washington tell us what it was like to rise through the political ranks.
The 2016 US Election

Delegates Are Struggling to Afford Attending the Democratic Convention

Delegates saddled with thousands of dollars in expenses to attend the Democratic National Convention have to raise money to make it to Philadelphia. Jessa Lewis is one of
VICE News Specials

The Movement That’s Fueling Donald Trump’s White Nationalist Supporters

VICE News went to an annual conference held by the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance to talk to the intellectual leaders behind this growing movement.
American Obsessions

How Sailor Moon Transformed Queer 90s Kids' Lives

VICE follows queer Moonies who faced homophobia but found inspiration from the series to embrace their identities.
The 2016 US Election / Extra Scene

Florida's Bikers for Bernie

VICE News spends time with Bikers for Bernie in Florida ahead of the primary.
The 2016 US Election

Florida's Senior Vote

What do senior citizens really want? VICE News heads to Florida ahead of Tuesday’s primary to find out.
The 2016 US Election / Clip

Trump's Guide To Dealing With Protesters

Watch a peaceful protestor get kicked out of an Iowa Trump rally.