


The Noisey Questionnaire of Life / web

Mariah The Scientist on the Most Important Part of Making Music

Mariah the Scientist sits down with Trey Smtih to answer lives tough questions, including the anatomy of a sandwich, getting stoned (biblically), and the best type of revenge.
The Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Cold War Kids Talk Enneagrams, Intermittent Fasting, and the Countryside | Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Cold War Kids just released their new album New Age Norms 1 today. We sit down with them to debate personality tests, the Beatles, and cinnamon toast crunch.
Noisey Specials

On the Road with PUP

PUP is known for being constantly on the road. This summer they will be playing to some of their biggest crowds ever. We joined them on the road as they began touring their third album, 'Morbid Stuff.'
Noisey Meets

Noisey Meets Cariño

Cariño es una banda de pop de Madrid formada por tres chicas procedentes de Andalucía, Canarias y Madrid. Se dieron a conocer hace solo unos meses gracias a una versión de "Llorando en la limo" de C Tangana.
Self Portraits

Autoretrato Nathy Peluso

En este episodio de Autorretratos de Noisey veremos a Nathy Peluso dibujarse a sí mismo mientras nos comenta su destreza con el dibujo.
The Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Cuestionario de la vida - Pedro Ladroga

En esta edición del "Cuestionario Noisey de la vida" le pedimos a Pedro LaDroga que se planteara algunas de las cuestiones más importantes a las que nos enfrentamos en la vida.
People Vs.

Noisey: The People Vs Carolina Durante

Carolina Durante responden a algunos de los comentarios que ha recibido su vídeo "Cayetano"
The Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Jeff Goldblum

Nous avons posé d'importantes questions à Jeff Goldblum. Il nous a parlé de tout et de rien, de Beethoven à Nandos en passant par Kanye West.
Back & Forth

Ed Sheeran x Stormzy

In this edition of Back & Forth, we cornered two unlikely friends - Stormzy and Ed Sheeran and they talked about everything from sliding into DMs to falling asleep during sex.

#waypoint72 Game 23 - Super Smash Bros.

To celebrate the launch of Waypoint, VICE's new gaming website, we decided to do a massive, 72 hour long livestream over Halloween weekend.

#waypoint72 Game 58 - Perfect Dark

To celebrate the launch of Waypoint, VICE's new gaming website, we decided to do a massive, 72 hour long livestream over Halloween weekend.
THUMP Shorts

The Best and Worst Things About Electronic Music Today

Sometimes you have to take a step back from the pulsing lights and pounding subs of the club and evaluate what this is really all about.