

THUMP Specials

DJ JAZ and the Church of Episco-Disco

In the first episode of THUMP Profiles, THUMP travels to JAZ's home in Charleston, South Carolina to catch a sermon behind the altar (and the decks), firsthand.
VICE Specials

Riding For Jesus: Inside South Carolina's Christian Biker Gang

The ex-cons and former addicts of the Disciples Motorcycle Club have kicked their bad habits, swearing off a life of crime and substance abuse. Now, they ride for Jesus.

Zu Besuch im Satanstempel von Kolumbien

Víctor Damián Rozo asegura ser el hijo de Lucifer y ha creado un templo dedicado a él en Colombia.
Indonesia Riot

Royal Blood: Inside Indonesia’s Lavish, Bloody Funeral Ceremonies

VICE Indonesia visits the highlands of South Sulawesi to see how new money is changing the face of the Torajan people's ancient, and bloody, funeral traditions.

Satanic Art: A Fight for Freedom

The Creators Project spends the day with some members of The Satanic Temple as they unveil their newest sculpture of Baphomet at their Salem Gallery.
Weediquette / Clip

Christianity and Cannabis

Krishna meets people who believe marijuana is a sacred plant and incorporate cannabis in their practice of Christianity on the season finale of WEEDIQUETTE.

Modern Day Exorcisms

The U.S. is home to 20 percent of the world’s exorcists. VICE investigates why the phenomenon of exorcism is on the rise.
Broadly Specials

The Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch the Ground

Broadly heads to Nepal to witness the centuries-old tradition of worshipping Kumari, a living goddess manifested in the body of a young girl.
Broadly Specials

Inside the Satanic Temple's Fight to Protect Your Abortion Rights

Broadly host Callie Beusman follows Satanic Temple activists as they engage in various political actions and meets with anti-abortion protesters and politicians.
Profiles by VICE

How This Teen Is Dealing with Life After Leaving His Family's Polygamist Cult

We meet Joe Robinson, a young man struggling with his recent excommunication from the Kingston Clan.
VICE News Specials

Righteous Defiance in Mississippi

Mississippi's Christians argue they’re a persecuted minority and need laws to protect their religious freedom.
Broadly Specials

Meet the Vodou Priestess Summoning Healing Spirits in Post-Earthquake Haiti

Broadly travels to Haiti in search of healing with Manbo Katy, a Vodou priestess who summons the spirits to help heal her community after the 2010 earthquake.