

Rites of Passage

Het bloederige inwijdingsritueel van de Crips in New York

VICE volgde een jongen die zich bij de Crips in Brooklyn wilde voegen. Om erbij te mogen moest hij zich door zijn vrienden snoeihard in mekaar laten slaan.

The World's Greatest Trump Impersonator

VICE followed John Di Domenico—an actor who has impersonated Donald Trump for 13 years—to a competition between the world's leading Trump stand-ins who look, sound, and move just like the president.
Out of This World

Mykki Blanco ontmoet de ‘born free’-generatie van queer creatievelingen in Johannesburg

'Out Of This World' volgt de Amerikaanse rapper en activist Mykki Blanco op zijn ontdekkingstocht naar de queer cultuur van Johannesburg.

VICE Special Report: A House Divided

With exclusive access to the President, his inner circle and key opponents, VICE founder Shane Smith examines the rise of the Tea Party, the faltering of key deals, and how growing extremism has left America more divided than ever.
Waypoint Specials

Escaping Prison with Dungeons & Dragons

All across America, hardened criminals are donning the cloaks of elves and slaying dragons all in orange jumpsuits, under blazing fluorescent lights and behind bars. We meet with two former cellmates in who played D&D together in maximum security pri
The Other Side

The Other Side of Ink

Paitangi Ostick is one of the first females to practice tā moko – the Māori art of tattoo. She travels from New Zealand to Tokyo, where she meets Japanese tattoo artist Megumu Kamata to compare notes on their shared craft.
VICE Reports

The Illegal Big Cats of Instagram

VICE investigates the flourishing trade in animal trafficking and how it impacts the depleting wildcat populations of Central and East Africa.
VICE Reports

Shoot to Kill: VICE Investigates the Kenya Wildlife Service

VICE follows a trail of mysterious disappearances and deaths on the fringes of Kenya’s national parks, climaxing in a [tense exchange] with renowned conservationist Dr Richard Leakey, the chairman of the Kenya Wildlife Service.
American Obsessions

Een bezoekje aan de videotheek die alleen maar 'Jerry Maguire' heeft

We ontmoeten het brein achter de ‘Jerry Maguire Video Store’, een videotheek in LA die 14 duizend exemplaren van de jarennegentigfilm heeft.
State of Repair

The New York Times Machinists

Motherboard went to the New York Times printing plant in Queens to meet the dying breed of repairmen who fix older machines.
VICE Sports

MMA with Medieval Armor and Blunt Weapons

Every year there is a medieval style combat tournament that takes place in a castle in Europe; that means swords, full body armor, and shields.
Profiles by VICE

Life After Polygamy: The Daughters and Wives of A Polygamist Cult Reclaim their Hometown

VICE meets three young women who explain why they left Warren Jeffs's Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and talk about the struggle to build a new life.