

The Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Cold War Kids Talk Enneagrams, Intermittent Fasting, and the Countryside | Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Cold War Kids just released their new album New Age Norms 1 today. We sit down with them to debate personality tests, the Beatles, and cinnamon toast crunch.
VICE News Shorts

Black Panther’s Wakanda Is Real — And It’s In Chicago

VICE News went to Chicago to see what it looks like to recreate Wakanda.
VICE News Shorts

Brett Kavanaugh could hold the fate of endangered species in his hand

One of Kavanaugh’s first cases on the Supreme Court could help derail the Endangered Species Act
VICE Reports

Die großen Katzen des Persischen Golfs

Wir sind nach Kuwait gereist, um uns dort mit den Instagram-Stars der Wildkatzenszene zu treffen und die Gefahren zu untersuchen, die der Tierschmuggel sowohl für die Tiere als auch für deren Besitzer birgt.
VICE Meets

William Binney: El buen espía

Bill Binney is a brilliant cryptology expert who worked for many years as an analyst in the NSA, agency where he became technical director. Binney developed a program called ThinThread to collect data in real time about potential terrorist attacks.
VICE Meets

VICE Meets Melki - Full Length

Vice France meets the legendary poster painter Melki.
The Noisey Questionnaire of Life

Trey Songz

In this edition of 'The Noisey Questionnaire of Life' we cornered Trey Songz and he had a go at tackling all the most important questions in life.
VICE News Shorts

Fatal police shooting of Chinese man sparks protests in Paris

Clashes erupted in Paris Monday after protesters gathered to honor the memory of a slain Chinese national.
VICE Meets

Vice meets Lee Gie-Myung

Lee Gie-Myung fue durante 30 años uno de los escritores de la dictadura de Corea del Norte, un periodo en el que llegó a escribir cerca de 300 obras de teatro glorificando la figura de Kim Jong-Il y vendía las bondades del socialismo norcoreano.
VICE News Shorts

Ancient Egyptian statue unearthed in Cairo slum

Ancient Egyptian statue unearthed in Cairo slum
VICE News Shorts

Wild boars are getting kicked out of deserted Japanese towns

Wild boars are getting kicked out of deserted Japanese towns
VICE News Shorts

Greek Farmers clash with Police

Greek farmers clashed with Athens police Wednesday during a tax reforms protest.