• Russian World Cup Cat

    The fate of the #WorldCup is in the paws of a Russian museum cat named Achilles. You read that correctly.

  • Gator Aid

    Free my mans Gator, he ain’t do shit.

  • Chancleta Lion Tamer

    Who knew Latin grandmothers would make such good lion tamers?

  • Horse Names

    A winning horse with a winning name.

  • Pool Hygiene

    Another danger of the public pool…

  • Gross Home Remedies

    We’re sorry in advance…but if we had to see it, you have to see it.

  • Rap Icon Jim Jones

    We talk to Jim Jones about “little Jim Joneses,” the influence of Dipset, being ready to give bars anytime/anyplace, his new album “Wasted Talent,” alternative public transit, and sitting on the board of a homeless center.

  • Instagram Braces

    Flat tummy tea isn’t the only “health” service you can find on Instagram. You can also get dentistry from someone who browsed the “orthodontics” Wikipedia page.

  • Peacocks Run Amok in Canada

    Canada is facing a peacock crime wave.

  • Nose Job

    Open for an absolutely terrifying surprise.

  • Film and Music’s Director X (Extended Cut)

    We talk to Director X about how he got into directing, working with Hype Williams, self-education, his upcoming film remake of “Superfly,” his new VICELAND show MR. TACHYON, and the million dollar “Thong Song” apology video.

  • IHOP to IHOb?

    Sure this is a blatant stunt, but we’ll bite. Desus and Mero investigate, and share some of the best guesses about IHOP’s coming name change.