UK Wife Carry Race
Like Tough Mudder, but for British couples. And yes, there are Sonic rings.
Hairless Hedgehog
This hedgehog looks sad and familiar.
Comedian and Actor Nikki Glaser
We talk to comedian Nikki Glaser about Markle-face, the evolution of her comedic style, John Mayer’s DMs, male height discounts, and the problems with woman-received double toppy.
The Royal Wedding
Desus and Mero give you the only Royal Wedding takes that matter.
Basketball Robot
This robot can hoop but can’t walk.
Quit Your Job Music Video
This employee decided to use his last day to give customers the gift of song.
Laundry Sniffer
Some criminals rob. Others just want to experience that fresh Gain smell.
Actor Terry Crews Returns
We talk to Terry Crews about the “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” craziness, “Deadpool 2,” keeping his casting a secret, his rap career, and making time by cutting out porn.
Kaitlin Bennettโs Fun Grad Photos
Kaitlin Bennett takes some fun and flirty graduation photos with a machine gun at…Kent State…
Russian Slap Super Bowl
A classic Russian pastime: slapping the hell out of each other.
Racist Coward on Blast
Racist Manhattan lawyer Aaron Schlossberg doesn’t bring that same energy when confronted after a video of him threatening to call ICE on restaurant employees, goes viral.
Tim Hortonโs Pooper
It’s 2018 and they’re skipping right past “Can I speak to your manager?” to “shit on the floor.”