

VICE News Shorts

Iranian Women Bike Against Cycling Ban

How Iranian women protested cycling ban
Music World

Punk Rock vs. Sharia Law

Du denkst, du warst in deiner Punkphase rebellisch? Wir haben die letzten Punks in der einzigen Region Indonesiens besucht, in der die Scharia gilt.
Noisey Meets

Touring Ottawa with Muslim Hip-hop Duo Deen Squad

カナダの首都オタワを拠点に活動するムスリム・ヒップホップ・デュオ、DEEN SQUAD。音楽を介して、彼らのライフスタイル、宗教、信仰にも繋がるポジティブなメッセージを発信している。ムスリムコミュニティを超え、世界中で受け入れられる彼らのハラール音楽の真髄を探った。 原題:NOISEY MEETS - Deen Squad(2016)
VICE News Specials

Rescuing Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam

VICE News meets a network of ex-Muslims based in London, helping others who have left Islam, as they escape imprisonment and violence.
VICE News Specials

The Kohistan Story: Killing for Honor

VICE News travels to Pakistan to investigate the truth behind one of the country's most perplexing so-called honor killing cases.
Broadly Specials

Die seltsame Welt der 'feministischen' islamischen Sekte

Der türkische Sektenführer Adnan Oktar nennt seine Anhängerinnen „Kätzchen" und ist überzeugter Kreationist.
VICE News Specials

The Architect of the CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Program, James Mitchell

In a VICE News exclusive, the architect of the CIA's enhanced interrogation program speaks about waterboarding, radical Islam and what he was asked to do after 9/11.
VICE News Specials

Exposing Sexual Assault in Bangladesh

Rape and gang rape in Bangladesh has reached alarming levels, despite being punishable by death, 1 in 8 men admits to rape.
VICE News Specials

Ghosts of Aleppo (Full Length)

VICE News followed the Islamic Front as they battled to retain control of the capital of the Syrian revolution.
VICE News Specials

Der Islamische Staat

Journalist und Filmemacher Medyan Dairieh hat für VICE News drei Wochen im selbsternannten Kalifat des Islamischen Staats verbracht und beispiellose Einblicke in die Operationen der Terrorgruppe bekommen.
VICE News Specials / Clip

The Islamic State (Part 1)

VICE News got unprecedented access within the Islamic State, going to the front lines of Syria as the group advances through the country.
VICE Specials

Heavy Metal In Baghdad

'Heavy Metal in Baghdad' ist ein Dokumentarfilm, der die irakische Metal-Band Acrassicauda vom Fall Saddam Husseins 2003 an begleitet.