

Under The Ink

Hass in der Haut: Wie Ex-Neonazis ihre rechtsextremen Tattoos loswerden

TM Garret ermöglicht Aussteigern aus der rechten Szene einen Neuanfang. Dazu gehört manchmal, die alten Tätowierungen zu überstechen. Wir waren bei einem Cover-up-Termin dabei.
VICE Shorties

How Stage 4 Cancer Changed Me as a Tattoo Artist

Sue Jeiven is a tattoo artist in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. She's also living with Stage 4 breast cancer. We met her to talk about her work, her life, and her art serving as her legacy.
One Star Reviews / web

Ich habe mich in einem der schlechtesten Tattoo-Studios tätowieren lassen

Tätowierer Nate erhält auf Yelp im Durchschnitt nur einen Stern. Taji Ameen von VICE begibt sich trotzdem in seine Hände – und erlebt eine Überraschung.
The Other Side

The Other Side of Ink

Paitangi Ostick is one of the first females to practice tā moko – the Māori art of tattoo. She travels from New Zealand to Tokyo, where she meets Japanese tattoo artist Megumu Kamata to compare notes on their shared craft.
Chef's Night Out

Ink.'s Michael Voltaggio in Hollywood

We follow his star-studded crew for a night full of bowling competitions, enormous pork shanks, and yards of beer.
VICE Shorties

Removing Gang Tattoos with Homeboy Industries

If you're covered in gang tattoos, what do you do if you quit that gang?
Ride Along

JR Smith On Playing With LeBron and Melo

There are many reasons why JR Smith is probably the most high profile bench player in the NBA. In this RIDE ALONG, he talks about them all.

In Search of Mexico's Top Skate Spots

VICE Mexico followed four of the country's best skaters as they embarked on a road trip in search of good skate spots.