


  • Marco Rubio and CNN’s Parkland Townhall

    Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS student Cameron Kasky did more work in one question than many journalists do in a week by pressing Marco Rubio at CNN town hall. Trump and Florida Governor Rick Scott were nowhere to be found.

  • Nazi on CNN

    CNN’s Alisyn Camerota flames literal Nazi Arthur Jones, who is running unopposed for Congress in the Republican primary in the 3rd district of Illinois.

  • Philip Mudd’s Racial Slur Almanac

    Trump’s “shithole” comment has CNN analyst Philip Mudd playing racial slur mad libs on TV.

  • Trump’s Shithole Countries

    The newly woke Don Lemon on his 2018 natural hair journey addresses Trump’s “shithole countries” comment.

  • Jake Tapper vs. Stephen Miller

    WH Adviser Stephen Miller had to be dragged off the set after getting smoked by CNN’s Jake CLAPper.

  • CNN Weed

    CNN’s New Years coverage continues as they discover marijuana.

  • LaVar Ball Returns to CNN and Chris Cuomo

    Big Baller Dad LaVar Ball is back on CNN with Chris Chrome-O.

  • CNN Gets Told by Hurricane Harvey Victim

    CNN interview with Hurricane Harvey victim doesn’t go as they planned.

  • Spicy CNN

    Political commentator Paris Dennard representing Trump supporters everywhere by yelling and contradicting himself.