


  • Sovereign Citizen Conspiracy Theories

    Jamali Maddix talks to some Sovereign Citizens about Obama, AR-15s, Marriage Licenses, and what’s “really” going on with the federal government.

  • Killer Mike and the NRA

    What did Killer Mike apologize for today? This interview with the NRA which he says was released later to misuse against the #MarchForOurLives.

  • Donald Trump’s Ivanka Obsession

    An updated history of Trump being a creep toward his own daughter Ivanka.

  • Stormy Daniels Talks Trump on 60 Minutes

    Stormy Daniels tells Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes about reluctantly accepting that Trumpito dack.

  • Ben Carson’s Luxurious Dining Set

    Ben Carson is under pressure for trying to get that exclusive Supreme dining set while being the head of affordable housing for the rest of us brokeys.

  • Biden vs. Trump

    Biden threatens to give Trump the paws and baby hands responds that Joe is only tough behind a podium…from behind a podium.

  • Governor Cynthia Nixon?

    Sex and the State? Cynthia Nixon is challenging Andrew Cuomo for Governor of New York and Desus is in his element breaking down Sex and the City footage like game tape.

  • Houston Astros Visit White House

    Imagine playing 162 games and a grueling playoff schedule just to end up spending the day with Donald Trump. Congrats to the Houston Astros.

  • Rex Tillerson Out

    After accusing the Russian government of a nerve gas attack on civilians, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson gets canned by Trump, possibly via Twitter.

  • Trump vs. Chuck Todd

    Trump is still campaigning for the job he already won by calling “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd a “sleepy son of a bitch” at a Pennsylvania rally.

  • Bruce Rauner, Milk, and Diversity

    He need some milk! Hyatt executive Tyronne Stoudemire and Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth in the most awkward and lactose-intolerant way possible.

  • U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (Extended Cut)

    We talk to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand about Mero’s run for state comptroller, giving up cursing for Lent, Marco Rubio’s town hall performance, and Trump’s weak attempt at flaming her.

  • Marco Rubio and CNN’s Parkland Townhall

    Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS student Cameron Kasky did more work in one question than many journalists do in a week by pressing Marco Rubio at CNN town hall. Trump and Florida Governor Rick Scott were nowhere to be found.

  • Trump vs. Oprah

    After Oprah holds a roundtable featuring several Trump dick-flute soloists, the Tweeter-in-Chief lets one fly in her direction.

  • LeBron vs. Fox News

    Laura Ingraham pulls the weak “stick to sports” routine on LeBron James after his critical Trump comments.

  • Nazi on CNN

    CNN’s Alisyn Camerota flames literal Nazi Arthur Jones, who is running unopposed for Congress in the Republican primary in the 3rd district of Illinois.