


  • New York Style Tattoos with Bert Krak

    Tattoo Age is the story of modern tattooing told through the lives of different tattooers. We travel around the world to meet with the artists that exemplify classic tattooing. In this episode we meet Bert Krak, a master of the New York traditional style. TATTOO AGE airs every Wednesday at 9PM.

  • Taboos

    Trixie and Bob talk taboos. They invent ads for taboo products, talk about weird old beauty products, and play “Dirty Taboo” with Mamrie Hart.

  • Neen Takes on the Down For Life Challenge (Extra Scene)

    This year we’re making the competitors do their own tattoos. Neens is up.

  • How Casinos are Cashing In On The Popularity of Tattoos

    Grace explores the tattoo scene in Las Vegas where casinos are cashing in with the popularity of tattoos, and explores the lasting impact of Sailor Jerry on the tattoo scene.

  • The Rise of Women Tattoo Artists

    Dirk talks about his support for women artists in the tattoo industry from the days where women were disrespected and pressured into performing sexual acts to hiring apprenticeships for women in his shop. We look at one of the apprentices who advocates feminism in her work.