Adjusting My Back At A One Star Chiropractor
There has been concern about the state of Taji’s back for a little while now, so he finally made an appointment with a Chiropractor. Not just any chiropractor, but a Chiropractor with many One Star Reviews. Dr Abel Rodriguez is an energy healer who claims to be able to heal anybody of anything by using applied kinesiology, much to the dismay of many customers who expect a crack and correction. Let’s see what he can do for Taji and the crew.
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Angry, Awkward, bad, bad host, Business, comedy, critical, criticize, customer service, dangerous, dead pan, dissatisfied, Dry, five star, funny, Horrible, Host, Humor, internet reviews, NYC, one star, one star reviews, owner, Reviews, Shitty, vice_videos:premiere, worst reviews, yelp