Iron Pipeline
Gunrunners move weapons from American states with loose laws to states with stricter ones, in a neverending flow that law enforcement can’t seem to stop.
addiction, blackjack, bronx, Brooklyn, cheater, cheating, Crime, criminals, debt, Diamond Club, Documentary, GAMBLING, gangs, gun control, illegal, murder, outcasts, poker, poverty, stick up boys, SubBrand – TV Programming, triggers, underground club, vice_videos:en_ca, vice_videos:en_us, vice_videos:premiere, violence
addiction, blackjack, bronx, Brooklyn, cheater, cheating, Crime, criminals, debt, Diamond Club, Documentary, GAMBLING, gangs, gun control, illegal, murder, outcasts, poker, poverty, stick up boys, SubBrand – TV Programming, triggers, underground club, vice_videos:en_ca, vice_videos:en_us, vice_videos:premiere, violence