I Learned Tango from One of Yelp’s Worst Rated Dance Instructors
It’s a little-known fact that Taji has always dreamed of learning to dance the tango. But as we all know, it takes two to tango, so Taji took to Yelp in search of a private lesson with the worst-reviewed dance instructor he could find. It turns out that Tango Jon does not take kindly to being challenged on his negative reviews. Will Taji be able to get through to Jon, or will he continue to dance alone?
Angry, Awkward, bad, bad host, Business, critical, criticize, customer service, dangerous, dead pan, dissatisfied, Documentary, Dry, five star, funny, Horrible, Host, Humor, internet reviews, NYC, one star, one star reviews, owner, Reviews, Shitty, vice_videos:premiere, worst reviews, yelp
Angry, Awkward, bad, bad host, Business, critical, criticize, customer service, dangerous, dead pan, dissatisfied, Documentary, Dry, five star, funny, Horrible, Host, Humor, internet reviews, NYC, one star, one star reviews, owner, Reviews, Shitty, vice_videos:premiere, worst reviews, yelp