Cyberwar Who is Anonymous? Former Sony Employee Discusses Being Hacked Cyber Mercenaries Hacked by China Syria’s Cyber Battlefields Stuxnet the Digital Weapon Hacking the Infrastructure America’s Elite Hacking Force The Zero Day Market Anonymous vs. ISIS How Anti-ISIS Hacktivists Are Helping the Government An Interview with Discordian of Anonymous The Ashley Madison Hack The Only Reporter to Interview the Ashley Madison Hackers An Israeli High School That Trains Future Cyber Warriors Israel: Cyber Nation Lights Out In Ukraine Bogachev and Russia’s Cyber Black Market Crime & Government: Russia’s Hackers Chased By Drones When a Hacker Goes to Jail Ben gets prison advice from Christopher Weatherhead aka ‘Nerdo’. Tagged:cyber espionage, Documentary, Hacking, hacktivists, security, spying, SURVEILLANCE, Technology, vice_videos:en_ca, vice_videos:en_us, vice_videos:premiere Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard