Grace Neutral


Beyond Beauty

Meet Brazilian models, activists and a feminist rapper fighting sexual harassment

Grace Neutral meets the Brazilian women fighting for expression within challenging surroundings, meeting the individuals leading the charge against male objectification, revolutionising beauty norms in the process.
Beyond Beauty

In brasilianischen Favelas entsteht eine neue Afro-Bewegung

Dieses Mal ist Grace ih São Paulo, um mehr über das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Schönheitsidealen und dem alltäglichen Rassismus in dem Land zu erfahren.
Beyond Beauty

Beyond Beauty: Brasiliens Schönheitswahn

In der ersten Folge lernt die mit Tattoos übersäte Alienprinzessin mehr über den gesellschaftlichen Druck, als Frau den „perfekten Körper“ und lange Haare zu haben.
i-D Meets

Grace Neutral: The Tattoo Covered Alien Princess

Get to know Grace Neutral, the 26-year-old tattoo-covered alien princess with purple eyes, pointed elf ears and a forked tongue.
Beyond Beauty

How Jay Park is Changing Attitudes to Korean Beauty

Grace Neutral meets a Korean gang member and a K-Pop superstar, to paint a more detailed picture of what influences the country's youth and their vision of modern beauty.
Beyond Beauty

South Korean Woman Reveals Illegal Tattoos to Parents

Grace meets the young South Koreans embracing alternative ideas of beauty and discovers the impact it has on their lives.
Beyond Beauty

Exploring Illegal Tattoo Culture in Seoul

Although it’s socially acceptable for teenagers to have cosmetic surgery within its six billion dollar domestic beauty industry, it is illegal to be a tattoo artist.
Beyond Beauty

Die Schönheitsindustrie in Südkorea

Von Underground-Tätowierern bis zu speziellen Partys: Grace Neutral trifft junge Südkoreaner, die alternative Schönheitsideale leben.