

Empire of Dirt

Britain's Sugar Addiction Fuelled the Slave Trade

Zing Tsjeng travels to Bristol to tell the dark history behind Britain's national sugar addiction and its connection to slave merchants like Edward Colston.
Empire of Dirt

How Britain Stole $45 Trillion from India with Trains

VICE World News host Zing Tsjeng explains why India shouldn’t be grateful for the trains, democracy and law that the British empire ‘gave them’.
Empire of Dirt

Empire of Dirt: How Your banks Made Money from Slavery

VICE World News host Zing Tsjeng explores how City of London and it’s financial institutions profited from slavery in America long after the slave trade was abolished.
VICE Shorties

The Battle For Sex-Workers Rights

My job before was exploitative, working in kitchens is exploitive - why go after sex work, because of slut shaming
VICE Reports

Sexual Exploitation of Young Refugees in Greece

Thousands of unaccompanied underage refugees fall through the cracks in Greece, leaving them exposed to sexual exploitation and abuse. We meet two teenagers who have been coerced into prostitution in Athens, Greece, the country that bore the brunt of the

MLK: I Have Supreme

MLK Jr. makes an appearance on the Supreme X Civil Rights Act 1964 collab.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

The mafia and a Nigerian gang are targeting refugees in Sicily

VICE News examines the tensions rising between the Black Axe and Sicily's Cosa Nostra, as the Nigerian criminal gang infiltrates the island.