theresa may


VICE News Tonight on HBO

This Tory stronghold voted Labour for the first time in 100 years

VICE News looks at how the conservative constituency of Canterbury went to the Labour Party in 2017.
VICE News Shorts

Fire Engulfs Grenfell Tower in London

Flames tore through a 24-floor tower block in West London in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
VICE Shorties

Chat Shit Get Elected: About Last Night...

VICE’s political correspondent Rants N Bants is back to vent his spleen on what went down when the UK election results were announced.
VICE Shorties

Chat Shit Get Elected: What’s Actually In These Manifestos?

Rants N Bants is on the road at his estate to swing into party manifestos and breakdown policies that have "given more empty promises than Max Branning".
Question Of The Day

Are There Any Political Party Leaders You’d Actually Want To Go For a Pint With?

VICE asks the important question: are there any political party leaders you’d actually want to go for a pint with?
VICE Shorties

Chat Shit Get Elected: What Are You Really Voting For in the UK Election?

Rants N Bants vents his spleen on the snap election. Rants breaks down the policies of "knackered" Theresa May and "divorced geography teacher" Jeremy Corbyn.
Question Of The Day

Does Trump Actually Care About Protests?

Thousands of protestors took to the streets to protest Donald Trump's Muslim ban on Monday. But do any of them think he gives a shit?
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Brexit will make life much more complicated for countless British businesses

VICE News reports from the iconic Brompton Bikes factory in London to understand how Brexit will complicate life for British businesses
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Theresa May insists Britain will see 'hard Brexit'

After months of mixed signals about her plans, Prime Minister Theresa May announced today that she'll lead Britain to a so-called Hard Brexit.