Gay Rights


Sex Before the Internet / S2 EP8

The Hef of Gay Porn

A porn magnate would change the industry and revolutionize American masculinity.
VICE News Shorts

How wedding cakes could redefine American's free speech

The Supreme Court is about to decide if cakes are art.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

“Recovered” gay man is leading the Catholic church's alt-right movement

Catholicism’s Breitbart: The site 'Church Militant,' and founder Michael Voris are targeting liberal priests
VICE News Shorts

LGBT Chechens fleeing 'gay purge' find new home in Canada

LGBT Chechens fleeing 'gay purge' find new home in Canada
VICE News Shorts

Istanbul police break up Pride rallies with tear gas

Istanbul police fired tear gas and rubber bullets on LGBTQ supporters to enforce a ban on Pride parades.
VICE Labs / web

A Veteran Father: Leave A Message - Orlando:

Daily VICE

The GOP Has the Most Anti-LGBTQ Platform Ever

On this episode of 'Daily VICE', 'GAYCATION' co-host Ian Daniel sits down at the Stonewall Inn to talk about the discriminatory policies that are a part of the Republican Party's platform.
VICE News Specials

Righteous Defiance in Mississippi

Mississippi's Christians argue they’re a persecuted minority and need laws to protect their religious freedom.
States of Undress / S1 EP4


Under sanctions in Russia, Western fashion is rare–so how's supply meeting demand?
A Day With

The Consultant Teaching Trans Women How to Be 'Feminine'

In a world where trans people have been denied the right to express their gender freely, a high femme cisgender woman named Monica Prata has stepped in to help.