

Weediquette: Niños fumados

Krishna conoce a familias que tratan el cáncer de sus hijos con un potentísimo aceite de marihuana que los droga muchísimo. ¿Es correcto o es un síntoma de unas leyes sobre el consumo de marihuana demasiado permisivas?
VICE Labs / S1 EP321

I Smoke Weed: Gia

If we say it, we'll normalize it. If we normalize it, we'll legalize it.
VICE Canada Reports

QC Bud: The Black Market's Last Stand

With cannabis legalization around the corner, the “green rush” is already starting in Quebec. This VICE doc explores what the complicated transition from a black to a legal cannabis market will look like in Quebec.
VICE Reports

Cannabis between Pain and Law

An ongoing debate has been active for over a year now about the use of marijuana and cannabis oil for medical purposes. In recent months, several people who have been using cannabis, mostly its oil, to alleviate pains and problems caused by illnesses
Canadian Cannabis

Canada et cannabis - épisode 3

Dans ce troisième épisode, Damian Abraham a rencontré des patients consommateurs de marijuana médicale et a mangé à la pizzeria Mega Ill.
Daily VICE

March 10 - Inside The Netherlands' Surprisingly Restrictive Medical Marijuana System

Plus, we talk to astronaut Julie Payette about the impact of humanity on the planet, and we talk about the future of diversity in the NHL.
Canadian Cannabis

Le Marché gris de l'herbe au Canada

Certains veulent utiliser le cannabis pour ses propriétés médicales, d'autres mettent en avant la lutte contre le trafic et ferment la porte à toute légalisation.
Munchies Specials

Wyborna, zaprawiana ziołem kolacja w domu Huntera S. Thompsona

Pojechaliśmy do Aspen w Kolorado, by spędzić czas w posiadłości legendarnego pisarza i zjeść razem z innymi entuzjastami marihuany kolację naszprycowaną ziołem