


Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan: TERROR Episode 5 (Full Episode)

Suroosh returns to Pakistan to find a country in turmoil, gripped by terror.
Tonic Presents: VICE on HBO

The End of Polio

VICE travels to Karachi to meet with the health workers putting their lives on the line to finally eradicate this disease.
Daily VICE

We Meet the Pakistani Guy On the CIA's Secret Kill List

VICE News meets Jalal in London where he's pursuing legal action to get his name removed from the kill list.
VICE News Specials

Life on a CIA Kill List in Pakistan

VICE News interviewed a man who believes he's on a secret CIA kill list.
Daily VICE

April 4 - Driving High: Researchers Test Pot Smokers Behind The Wheel

Plus, the Canadian app that's helping sort good drugs from bad in Pakistan, and acclaimed Cuban jazz singer Daymé Arocena shares her deep connection with Santeria.
VICE News Specials

The Kohistan Story: Killing for Honor

VICE News travels to Pakistan to investigate the truth behind one of the country's most perplexing so-called honor killing cases.

Greenland Is Melting and Bonded Labor

Shane Smith travels to Greenland with climate scientist Jason Box to investigate why the glaciers are melting. Then, VICE goes to Pakistan, where millions of men, women, and children work as bonded laborers in brick kilns.
VICE Guide to Travel / Clip

VICE Guide to Karachi: Pakistan's Most Violent City (Part 1)

VICE explores the seedy underbelly of Karachi, the ultra-violent Pakistani metropolis of more than eighteen million people, and meet the players who make Karachi one of the craziest cities on earth.
VICE Guide to Travel

The VICE Guide To Karachi

VICE travels to Karachi.
VICE Guide to Travel

The Gun Markets of Pakistan

VICE bezoekt de wapenmarkt in Darra, Pakistan, waar 'heilige' Pakistaanse strijders heen gaan om zich te bevoorraden met wapens, gemaakt door mannen die in grotten leven.