

VICE Specials

Solitary Confinement Project: 30 Days of Voluntary Isolation

On December 12, 2016, James Burns voluntarily entered into solitary confinement in La Paz County Jail, where he will stay for up to 30 days. VICE is documenting the stay.
Rule Britannia

Meet One of Britain's Most Notorious Reformed Criminals: Walking Heavy

Après de longues années à croupir derrière les barreaux, le criminel britannique Jason Coghlan a décidé de se reconvertir en richissime conseiller juridique.

Taking Down Tokyo's Corrupt Diamond Syndicate

The diamond market in Japan is saturated with piddling middlemen. We follow Kyoji Sasaki on his quest to revolutionize the industry.

Drag the Red

Drag the Red is the volunteer-run initiative to dredge Winnipeg's main river searching for bodies of missing aboriginal women.
Rule Britannia

The Disturbing Truth Behind the 'Spitman' Urban Legend

eenage boys, deviant acts and cold, hard cash – Spitman was a West London council estate myth until the mobile phone footage turned up.
VICE Reports

The Hard Lives of Britain's Synthetic Marijuana Addicts

Legal highs are set to be outlawed by the British government in response to a growing number of news reports about students overdosing on the synthetic drugs.
The Real

The Real 'True Detective'?

We went down to Ponchatoula to meet Stuart Murphy and Tom Tedder, two law enforcement officials who helped put these terrible, true events in Ponchatoula's rearview mirro
Profiles by VICE

Alexis Neiers on Drugs, Prison, and the Bling Ring

La star de télé-réalité qui a inspiré le film The Bling Ring de Sofia Coppola parle de son passé de junkie et de sa nouvelle vie.