



¿Cómo es tener 16 años en París hoy en día?

Estuvimos con dieciséis jóvenes de 16 años en París y capturamos sus reacciones sobre los temas que afectan a su generación.
i-D Meets

i-D Meets: Aaron Philip

Un documental corto que muestra los desafíos de ser una modelo con capacidades distintas con Aaron Philip cumpliendo la mayoría de edad en NY.
i-D Specials

Detrás del primer show de kim jones para dior homme

i-D had access all areas backstage to get the lowdown on all the elements that made up Dior Homme’s spring/summer 19 show. Join us on the front row for a re-see on our first Fashion Feature.
i-D Specials

la rebelión parisina de gypsy sport

A Rio Uribe le gusta crear fuera de los parámetros establecidos. Su marca fundada en 2012, Gypsy Sport, vuelve a posicionar la moda en las calles y celebra la diversidad radical, la inclusividad y la libertad en la Place de la République de París.
i-D Meets

i-D conoce a: rina sawayama

A través de su perspectiva alterna de los parámetros de la belleza japonesa y su particular sonido R&B, Rina Sawayama es la estrella emergente que está redefiniendo las viejas nociones de lo que significa ser una artista asiática hoy en día.
i-D Specials

When JME Met Jeremy Corbyn

With one week left to register to vote in the General Election, i-D has paired grime star JME with leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn to discuss the importance of a high youth turnout on 8 June.
i-D Meets

i-D Meets Bhumika Arora

Growing up in small town India, becoming an international model isn’t really something that happens everyday.
Size Matters

Caryn Franklin Discusses Diversity, Body Ideals and Beauty Today

In our final film of Size Matters week, we speak to Caryn Franklin - fashion commentator, Master of Science student and all round i-D i-Con.
Size Matters

Sabina Karlsson on the Need to Treat Models Like Human Beings

Size Matters week continues with Sabina Karlsson, the one time Swedish high fashion model who said no to pressure to fight her natural size.
Size Matters

Model ​Barbara Ferreira is Plus Size and Proud

We hear from Barbie Ferreira, the 18-year old queen of the in-between who definitely isn’t into your Beach Body Ready bullshit.
Size Matters

Model Rosie Nelson on the Industry Pressure to be Super-Thin

After a number of young women spoke out about the incredible pressure to stay super-thin, the UK government is launching an inquiry into model health.
i-D Meets

Josephine Skriver on Growing Up as an IVF Baby

Danish supermodel Josephine Skriver speaks candidly about growing up as an IVF baby and what life is like as the daughter of two LGBT parents.