

Reportages VICE

Kanye teste mes limites

Parfois, nos idoles ont tort, et c’est important de le reconnaître.
Vice du jour

L'élection de Trump a poussé la chanteuse de Weaves à faire de la musique inclusive

La chanteuse de Weaves fait de la musique et du rouge à lèvres non-genrés.
Vice du jour

Voici les gens qu'on rencontre quand on photographie l'Amérique de Trump

« Au lieu de parler aux gens qui partagent notre point de vue, n’est-il pas plus logique de tendre la main à la partie adverse? »
Vice du jour

En coulisses avec la troupe militante La Pocha Nostra

S'étendre nu entre deux carcasses de porc sur scène, c'est aussi protester contre Trump pour les artistes de La Pocha Nostra.
VICE News Shorts

President Trump's Day 1 Score Card

Watch the video above for a full breakdown and scoring of Trump’s day one promises.
VICE News Shorts

President Trump's First Speech

It's official: President Donald Trump is now the leader of the United States.
Long Story Short

How the Financial Crisis Led to Trump

In the first episode of Long Story Short, we look at how the financial crisis of 2008 may have led to the election of Donald Trump eight years later.
VICE News Shorts

11 Times Donald Trump sounded like Alex Jones

11 times Donald Trump sounded a lot like Alex Jones
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Yesterday on the Internet: The Donald Trump Blame Game

Following election day, the liberal mainstream media has been coming together — by deciding who’s to blame.
VICE News Shorts

European right-wing leaders embrace a Trump win

The rest of the world might be stunned but Europe's far right was ready for a Trump win
Balls Deep / Extrait

We Got Kicked Out of a Trump Campaign HQ

Trump's official campaign notices our BALLS DEEP crew following around Trump campaign volunteer Ralph Case at the new campaign HQ he's helping set up and kicks us out.
VICE News Specials

Former CIA head Michael Hayden on why he won't endorse Trump or Clinton

Hayden answered a wide range of questions regarding national security, the presidential elections, Hillary Clinton — and Donald Trump