


VICE News Specials / Αποσπάσματα

Janna Jihad, the Youngest Journalist in Palestine (Excerpt from 'Digital Intifada')

VICE News met a 9-year-old journalist in Palestine.
Hip Hop In The Holy Land

Hip Hop In The Holy Land

Noisey presents a documentary on the rap scene in Israel and Palestine.
VICE News Specials

Death of a Stone-Thrower - Intifada 3.0 (Dispatch 4)

Tension builds in Israel and the West Bank with three new stabbing attacks on Israelis reported on Saturday.
VICE News Specials

Locking Down Jerusalem - Intifada 3.0 (Dispatch 2)

After a series of stabbings on Israeli Jews, authorities have imposed a series of new checkpoints in Jerusalem, making life very difficult for innocent Palestinians.
VICE News Specials

Clashes in the West Bank - Intifada 3.0 (Dispatch 1)

VICE News correspondent Aris Roussinos traveled to the West Bank to see if the apparently leaderless youth-led revolt has spiraled into the Third Intifada.
VICE News Specials

The Heart of the Conflict - Intifada 3.0 (Dispatch 5)

VICE News visits one of the most disputed pieces of land in the world, a holy site for Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem.
VICE News Specials

Day of Rage - Intifada 3.0 (Dispatch 3)

Hamas calls for a day of rage, beginning before sunrise as Palestinian protesters set ablaze the Jewish holy site, the Tomb of Joseph, in Nablus.
War Games

Israeli Urban Warfare

VICE News travels to Israel, home to one of the largest and most advanced urban warfare training centers in the world.