
VICE News Tonight on HBO

China may be using the Belt and Road Initiative to covertly develop military infrastructure abroad

China may be using the Belt and Road Initiative to covertly develop military infrastructure abroad
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Why there's no birthday celebration for Kim Jong-Un — yet

Why there's no birthday celebration for Kim Jong-Un — yet
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Poznaj kolekcjonera dzieł sztuki seryjnych morderców

„Po prostu zawsze interesowało mnie, jak ludzie zabijają się nawzajem, sam nie wiem czemu”
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Watch a scientist plant a fake, GPS-enabled egg in a sea turtle nest to study poachers

Scientists are studying poaching in Costa Rica by planting fake, GPS-enabled eggs in sea turtle nests
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Chinese tech giant Alibaba goes offline with new supermarkets

Chinese consumers don’t seem to mind that Alibaba’s new supermarkets collect more data than ever
VICE News Tonight on HBO

The world’s biggest statue is a right-wing play at revising Hindu nationalism’s place in history

The world’s biggest statue is a right-wing play at revising Hindu nationalism’s place in history
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Di Balik Misi Pencarian Korban Tsunami Sulawesi Tengah

Bulan lalu, bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami menimpa Indonesia dan menewaskan sedikitnya 1.300 orang. Ribuan orang masih belum ditemukan dan Jumat kemarin masa tanggap darurat telah berakhir.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Scientists accidentally discovered a plastic eating enzyme that could revolutionize recycling

Scientists have found an enzyme that "eats" plastic, breaking the building blocks down into pieces that can be used to make plastics again
VICE News Tonight on HBO / Clip

It’s nearly impossible to bury a dead person in Hong Kong right now

Today, more than eighty percent of Hong Kong’s dead are cremated to save money, time and real estate.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Sekolah di Sumatera Utara yang Dipenuhi Anak-anak Tersangka Teroris

Sekolah di Sumatera Utara mengajarkan ulang arti Islam pada anak-anak dari tersangka teroris
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Kami menemui Muslim Rohingya yang pergi dari pembersihan etnis di Myanmar

VICE News mengunjungi Cox's Bazaar di Bangladesh, di mana para Muslim Rohingya refugees berusaha menghindari ‘pembersihan etnis’ di Myanmar.
VICE News Tonight

Penyanyi Pesta Pernikahan Suriah Calon Bintang Baru Kancah EDM

Omar Souleyman adalah bintang baru EDM. Karirnya melejit, dari sekadar penyanyi kondangan dari utara Suriah, tiba-tiba mengguncang panggung dunia dalam semalam.