North Korea


VICE News Shorts

Watch North Korea launch four banned ballistic missiles toward Japan

The launch put the region on edge.
VICE Specials

Cash for Kim: de Noord-Koreaanse dwangarbeiders die zich doodwerken in Polen

VICE Duitsland onderzoekt hoe het kan dat er Noord-Koreaanse dwangarbeiders werken in Polen, en wie er bewust en onbewust profiteert van deze uitbuiting.
VICE News Specials

Victor Cha on North Korea’s Nuclear Threat

VICE News sits down with Victor Cha, a former US nuclear negotiator and National Security Council advisor, to talk about North Korea’s nuclear weapons.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 6/7)

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 6/7)
VICE Meets

VICE ontmoet Kim Hye-Sook

Kim Hye-Sook zat bijna dertig jaar opgesloten in een werkkamp in Noord-Korea, totdat ze wist te ontsnappen en naar Zuid-Korea vluchtte.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 7/7)

The FSB (Russian secret police), North Korean secret police and the local militia all decide to find out what Shane has been getting into.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 5/7)

Shane and Simon head off to Tataul and link up with a member of the local mafia known as "The Fish".
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 3/7)

After many days on trains Shane arrives in Tynda but has to dodge the Russian secret police.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 4/7)

VICE co-founder Shane Smith finds his way into a labor camp established by North Korea - in the heart of Siberia.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 2/7)

Shane Smith gets re-accustomed with handling Russian alcoholics aboard the Trans-Siberian railway.
VICE News Specials / Clip

North Korean Labor Camps (Part 1/7)

VICE founder Shane Smith romps around the hermit kingdom.
VICE Guide to Travel / Clip

Inside North Korea (Teil 3/3)

Gütiger Gott, wir sind nach Nordkorea gereist.