

How-To / web

How-To: Make Ceviche with Javier Wong

Javier Wong is arguably the top ceviche-maker in Peruãsome even call him the godfather of ceviche. In this how-to video for MUNCHIES, he shares his ridiculously simple but perfect recipe.
VICE News Specials

The World Leader in Counterfeiting: Lima's Fake Dollars

VICE News goes undercover to expose the illegal trade in counterfeit money in Peru and gets rare access to the criminal forgers who show us how these bills are made.
VICE Specials / Clip

Wie Pablo Escobars Vermächtnis der Gewalt heutige Kartellkriege antreibt (Teil 3)

Im dritten Teil unserer Doku begleiten wir die peruanische Nationalpolizei in den nördlichen Teil des Huallaga-Tals, wo früher der Großteil des Kokas für das Medellín-Kartell angebaut wurde.
VICE Specials / Clip

Cocaine: Narcos, Sicarios and Peru (Part 2)

We meet a former hitman for Pablo Escobar in the slums of the city of Lima.
VICE Specials / Clip

Wie Pablo Escobars Vermächtnis der Gewalt die Kartellkriege von heute antreibt (Teil 1)

Wir unterhalten uns mit zwei DEA-Agenten, die den schwer zu fassenden Kokainkönig jahrelang gejagt haben und damit zur Grundlage der neuen Netflix-Serie 'Narcos' wurden.
VICE News Specials

The Promised Land: Cocaine and Faith In The Amazon

VICE News travels to Peru to meet the Israelites, a religious group that migrated to the Peruvian Amazon in 1995 and who also may be involved in transnational drug trade.

Scrotum Frog Boner Juice

In parts of Peru, there's an ancient culinary delicacy that consists of liquefying a rare frog. Drinking the concoction is said to cure a wide range of ailments, including bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, arthritis, even impotence.

Making Digital Cumbia in Peru

THUMP travels to Peru to discover the new EDM scene which uses traditional cumbia roots with new european influences.

Du poignard au pinceau

LU.CU.MA, ancien criminel et grand amateur de poignards, est devenu un artiste au cœur tendre et prodigue ses conseils à qui veut les entendre.
Noisey Specials

Was Punk Rock Born in Peru?

One of punk's best kept secrets, Los Saicos were the original Peruvian proto-punks.
VICE Guide to Travel

Takanakuy: pelea a puñetazo limpio en los Andes

Una vez al año, el día de Navidad, en un pueblo de los Andes peruanos sus habitantes quedan para emborracharse y partirse la cara unos a otros.