refugee crisis


VICE Reports

A exploração sexual de jovens refugiados na Grécia

Milhares de refugiados menores e sem ocupação acabam por ser expostos aos abusos e à exploração sexual. Em Atenas, conhecemos dois adolescentes coagidos a prostituirem-se.
10 Questions You Always Wanted To Ask...

10 Perguntas Que Sempre Quiseste Fazer a um Voluntário no Apoio a Refugiados

O que leva alguém a colocar a sua própria vida em risco para ajudar estranhos? A VICE foi conhecer Conor Kenny, um médico que trabalha como voluntário na ajuda a refugiados desesperados..
Underreported Greece

Back to Syria

We followed the immigrants who, fed up with the situation in Greece and the lack of hope to get to Europe, have decided to go back to their countries, as Syria, doing the same trip in reverse.
Underreported Greece

Back to Syria: The Fighter

We met with a Kurdish refugee days before he left Greece to go back to war.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

What living conditions are like for Syrian refugees living in Berlin

VICE travels to Germany to find out how the country is integrating immigrants into society

Fire in Moria

Life at the Moria Hot Spot for refugees in Lesvos.

Child Refugee Reunification

Tow brothers find each other after two and a half years.
VICE Canada Reports

Syria to the Six

Syrian refugee in Canada
VICE News (GR)

Escape from Greece

We met some immigrants in the fields of Kilkis, next to the Greek-FYROM borders, and followed their illegal path through three countries' borders.