

VICE Reports

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VICE исследует процветающую торговлю торговлей животными и то, как она влияет на истощающие популяции диких кошек в Центральной и Восточной Африке.​
VICE Reports

Shoot to Kill: VICE Investigates the Kenya Wildlife Service

VICE follows a trail of mysterious disappearances and deaths on the fringes of Kenya’s national parks, climaxing in a [tense exchange] with renowned conservationist Dr Richard Leakey, the chairman of the Kenya Wildlife Service.
VICE Reports

Life As a Migrant in Post-Brexit Britain

What’s it actually like to be a migrant in Brexit Britain?
Broadly Specials

The Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch the Ground

Broadly heads to Nepal to witness the centuries-old tradition of worshipping Kumari, a living goddess manifested in the body of a young girl.
Broadly Specials

Unverheiratet mit 27: Chinas „übriggebliebene Frauen“

Während der Herrschaft Maos wurden ambitionierte Frauen gefeiert. Heute lastet auf unverheirateten Frauen ein Stigma und Feministinnen können inhaftiert werden. Wir sehen uns an, wie aus Chinas „eisernen Mädchen" die „übriggebliebenen Frauen."
Broadly Specials

Inside the Weird World of an Islamic 'Feminist' Cult

Meet the Turkish cult leader Adnan Oktar and his devoted "kittens."
VICE News Specials

Corruption, Cocaine and Murder in Trinidad

Narcotics trafficking, corruption, and gangs are driving Trinidad and Tobago’s murder rate sky-high.