


VICE Specials

Diese kubanischen Punks haben sich aus Protest mit HIV infiziert

VICE trifft die letzten überlebenden Mitglieder der kubanischen Punkbewegung Los Frikis, die sich absichtlich mit HIV infiziert haben, um in die staatlich geführten Heilanstalten zu kommen.
International Mom Advice

Indian Cold Remedy

Meet Mythili Jayaram, mother of three, grandmother of two and cold remedy master.
Sweat It

Adam Machin

The New York-based tattoo artist and Jiu Jitsu enthusiast trains out of one of the most renowned academies in New York.
Sweat It

How to do Jiu Jitsu with Adam Machin

The New York-based tattoo artist and Jiu Jitsu enthusiast demonstrates the Kimura, a popular submission move in mixed martial arts.
Sweat It

Kiran Gandhi

When she’s not touring with M.I.A., Los Angeles-based drummer Kiran Gandhi can be found building strength through battle ropes.
Tonic Shorties

Running is the Worst Way to Get Fit

Studies show that running is an inefficient way to burn fat and build muscle. And yet, it’s the most popular exercise on earth after walking.
Yes Man

Butt Enhancement

Tonic's resident "Yes Man" Grant Stoddard receives a butt enhancement and takes photographer Ellen Hart along to document it.
International Mom Advice

Ukrainian Skin Remedy

We document sometimes strange, sometimes effective and always fascinating folk medicines and home remedis from around the world, as demonstrated by moms in their kitchens.

Bienvenue à l’Église de la Vie Perpétuelle

Au coeur d'Hollyhood se dresse une église transhumaniste rassemblant un groupe de fidèles bien décidés à connaître l'immortalité.
Tonic Spotlight

Death in A Can: Australia's Euthanasia Loophole

Max Dog Brewing sells canisters of nitrogen for carbonating beer, or killing yourself, depending on who you ask.