

VICE News Specials

Holiday in Chernobyl: Tourism in the Exclusion Zone

30 years after the Chernobyl disaster, VICE News finds tourism is booming in the exclusion zone.
VICE News Specials

Crystal Meth and Cartels in the Philippines: The Shabu Trap

VICE News takes a look at the Philippines drug trade.
Music World

Punk vs. Charia

We travelled to North Sumatra to track down the last punks in Aceh, who still live under constant threat from the sharia police.
VICE News Specials

Apokelypse: Violence, crime, and death connected to 'Pokemon Go'

Welcome to the apokelypse. Since Pokemon Go took over millions of users' screens in July, there have been over 75 reports of violence, crime, and deaths connected with the gaming phenomenon.
Broadly Specials

The Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch the Ground

Broadly heads to Nepal to witness the centuries-old tradition of worshipping Kumari, a living goddess manifested in the body of a young girl.
Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia.. / web

Wie sich ein Steampunk-Rocker dafür einsetzt, synthetische Drogen zu regulieren

Hamilton Morris ist nach Neuseeland gereist, um sich mit den Musiker und Aktivisten Matt Bowden zu treffen, der sich dort schon seit langer Zeit für eine Reform der Drogenpolitik einsetzt.
VICE News Specials

The Silent Rise of HIV in Chile

VICE News partnered with the University of British Colulmbia to investigate Chile's rising HIV problem.
Broadly Specials

Inside the Satanic Temple's Fight to Protect Your Abortion Rights

Broadly host Callie Beusman follows Satanic Temple activists as they engage in various political actions and meets with anti-abortion protesters and politicians.
VICE News Specials

The World Leader in Counterfeiting: Lima's Fake Dollars

VICE News goes undercover to expose the illegal trade in counterfeit money in Peru and gets rare access to the criminal forgers who show us how these bills are made.
Broadly Specials

Young Brides for Sale: Inside Bulgaria’s Controversial Virgin Market

Every spring, a town in Bulgaria gathers for the controversial "bride market," where young virgins are paraded in front of suitors.
VICE News Specials

Poisoned By The Gold Rush

VICE News investigates the gold rush in Antioquia, Colombia, that's poisoning the population.
VICE Specials

On Patrol with South Korea's Suicide Rescue Team

VICE follows a suicide rescue team on the Han River in Seoul, South Korea to understand what the country is doing to end its suicide epidemic.