


VICE Reports

The Reich Reenactors

Up and down the UK self-proclaimed history buffs head to the woods, and pretend to be soldiers in Hitler's Third Reich. Is this a sinister pastime? Or is it just cosplay with a few more swastikas?
VICE Reports

Shoot to Kill: VICE Investigates the Kenya Wildlife Service

VICE ser nærmere på de uopklarede dødsfald, der omgærder Kenya Wildlife Service – den internationale NGO, som er kendt for sit arbejde med naturbeskyttelse.
VICE Reports

Life As a Migrant in Post-Brexit Britain

What’s it actually like to be a migrant in Brexit Britain?
VICE Reports

Peacekeepers Turned Perpetrators

In this film, VICE examines widespread allegations of sexual abuse and rape at the hands of UN peacekeepers by the very women and children they pledge to protect.
Profiles by VICE

Rebel Rabbis: The Ultra-Orthodox Jews Who Want to See Israel Dismantled

VICE embeds with the London branch of the Neturei Karta, a group of controversial ultra-Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and for the immediate dismantling of the State of Israel.
Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia.. / web

Wie sich ein Steampunk-Rocker dafür einsetzt, synthetische Drogen zu regulieren

Hamilton Morris ist nach Neuseeland gereist, um sich mit den Musiker und Aktivisten Matt Bowden zu treffen, der sich dort schon seit langer Zeit für eine Reform der Drogenpolitik einsetzt.
VICE Reports

Rise of the Right: Marching in Europe's Largest Nationalist Event

Once a year, Poland’s rival football gangs declare a 24 hour truce and march together against all things Left in one of Europe’s biggest nationalist marches.
VICE Reports

On va tous crever (d'amiante !)

Malgré les nombreuses morts, certains continuent à affirmer que ce minéral n'a rien de nocif.
VICE Reports

Blast fishing in Montenegro

Blast fishing is illegal for its damage to the environment, but also harming people, this tradition is still alive.
VICE News (GR)

Escape from Greece

We met some immigrants in the fields of Kilkis, next to the Greek-FYROM borders, and followed their illegal path through three countries' borders.