

VICE Specials

Wie indische Männerrechtsaktivisten immer mehr an Fahrt gewinnen

Wir haben uns mit dem Gründer von Indiens führender Männerrechtsorganisation "Save Indian Family Foundation" getroffen, um herauszufinden, für was genau die Gruppierung kämpft.

Der Schwarze Block: Im Alltag der US-Antifa

Drei antifaschistische "Black Bloc"-Aktivisten aus Philadelphia erklären, welche Ideologien, Taktiken und persönlichen Motivationen hinter ihrer risikoreichen Form des Protests stecken.
VICE Specials

Die Black Women’s Defense League kämpft mit Waffen gegen Rassismus und Frauenfeindlichkeit

VICE's Wilbert L. Cooper meets the Black Women's Defense League, a Dallas-based womanist organization known for its pro-gun stance.
Balls Deep / Clip

We Got Kicked Out of a Trump Campaign HQ

Trump's official campaign notices our BALLS DEEP crew following around Trump campaign volunteer Ralph Case at the new campaign HQ he's helping set up and kicks us out.
Broadly Meets

Actor Brenna Harding on Same-Sex Parenting Rights and Female Collectives

Broadly sits down with Puberty Blues actor Brenna Harding to talk activism and the power of female collectives.
Profiles by VICE

The 15 Year Old Environmental Activist Suing the Government over Climate Change

Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh is suing the U.S. government over the issue of climate change.
Broadly Specials

Inside the Torturous Fight to End Revenge Porn

What can you do when a jilted lover posts your most intimate pictures online without consent?
Daily VICE

Black Lives Matter

Vice's biggest stories of 2015 continues as we join Wilbert Cooper to talk about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Art World

Street Art to Save a Generation

Local artists on Honduras are taking back the streets through an emerging art scene.
VICE News Specials

The Hidden Impacts of Climate Change

VICE News met Shyla Raghav, a UN delegate for the Maldives, an island nation threatened by rising sea levels.
Politics of Food

Foie Gras and The Ethics of Force-Feeding

In this episode of The Politics of Food, chef and food writer Dave Arnold speaks to the key political players behind California's ban of foie gras.
Profiles by VICE

Zoophilie und Sodomie in Europa

Sodomie erlebt in Europa eine komische Renaissance. Die fing ironischerweise an, als Aktivisten diese Praxis erfolgreich in Deutschland und Norwegen verbieten ließen.