

VICE Reports

Im ersten Sexpuppen-Bordell Europas

In Barcelona wütet ein Wettstreit zwischen Sexarbeiterinnen und ihrer neuen leblosen Konkurrenz. Hier wohnt auch der führende Sexpuppenbauer. Wir haben sie alle besucht.
VICE Canada Reports

The Home Lives of Sex Workers

Photographer Lindsay Irene travels to Toronto to shoot with a variety of sex workers in their homes with the goal of increasing the understanding of who they are.​
VICE Reports

Anti-Jihadist Training Camp

Two years into its state of emergency, France’s risk of further terror attacks is only growing. Now a French entrepreneur is offering his compatriots “anti-jihadist training” in Poland. But is this self-defence training or right-wing radicalisation?
VICE Reports

Die verborgene Flüchtlingsgesellschaft von Schweden

Many thousands of refugees have gone into hiding in Sweden since the country’s asylum laws went from some of the most welcoming to some of the toughest in Europe. VICE hears from this ever growing parallel society.
VICE Specials

Aufwachsen ohne Gender

We go to Sweden, home to gender neutral kindergartens and gender non-conforming families, to find out what it’s like to grow up beyond the binary.
VICE Reports

In Grossbritannien gibt es immer mehr Säureangriffe

VICE investigates why acid has become the go to weapon for young criminals in London.
VICE Reports

VICE's 2017 UK Election Road Trip: Things Nobody Is Talking About

In the run up to the 2017 snap election, VICE asks why so many enormous issues have not been up for discussion and largely ignored.
VICE Canada Reports

Smoke Show: Money Gang Drifting Crew

Femi Lawson hangs out with the Money Gang Drifting crew and learns why drifting is the fastest growing motorsport in the world.
VICE Canada Reports

Smoke Show: Ghostrider and The North Face Rally Car Club

VICE gets up and close and personal with Ghostrider, a mysterious legend in the local car scene who owns 27 cars and is a member of the exclusive North Face Rally luxury car club.
VICE Reports

Diese Menschen glauben, dass die Regierung ihren Verstand kontrolliert

Wir haben eine Community begleitet, die behauptet, im Zuge einer transhumanistischen Agenda durch versteckte Technologien gefoltert und überwacht zu werden.
VICE Reports

Yarl's Wood: Shut it Down!

VICE attends a protest organised by Movement For Justice outside Yarl's Wood, a notorious immigration removal centre steeped in allegations of racism and sexual abuse.
VICE Reports

Fault Lines: Trials and Tribulations on the Streets of Jakarta

Blasphemy trials, massive protests and a divisive campaign have lead to one of the biggest political battles Jakarta has ever seen.