


  • Colombia: The Women of FARC

    As Colombia nears the end of a fifty-year civil war, we meet current and former female FARC soldiers to find out how they will be reintegrated into society.We put together a page with more information and ways to help protect women and children of war in Colombia: [VICELAND.COM/WOMAN](http://womanviceland.tumblr.com/)

  • Another Intern Leaves Kalu Yala

    After a unanimous staff decision, Nicki is asked to leave Kalu Yala.

  • Last Day of School at Kalu Yala

    Recapping the toughest semester yet.

  • Trick or Treat and Trump

    Unforeseen turbulence puts the community to the test. As the river rises, the US election causes chaos and Kalu Yalans struggle to understand the world they will soon return to.

  • Fall from Eden

    Inspiration week is over, and some interns don’t return. Accusations fly about whether or not they are living a lie. Other interns help Jimmy realize his Master Plan.

  • Sarah & Camp Kalu Yala

    Sarah, a school teacher in an impoverished Las Vegas neighborhood, discusses her students in comparison to San Miguel’s children.

  • Pilgrimage to Black Jesus

    During inspiration week, the interns go wild while Ryan attempts to hike 100 miles on a pilgrimage to the Cristo Negro festival as the company deals with fleeing interns.

  • Entertaining Jungle-Style

    Jimmy shows off his jungle playground, but is challenged by interns worried about their environmental impact.

  • Video Games Shaping Reality

    Jimmy discusses his past and present opinions of real estate and how playing simulator games inspired him to build a town.

  • Conflict with Jimmy

    Jimmy sits down with two biology interns to discuss why it is that they’re unhappy in Kalu Yala.

  • Pulum’s Story

    Pulum talks about his childhood and his spiritual relationship to the cullinary arts.

  • Pioneers or Colonists?

    Interns challenge the purpose of their new community–are they doing more harm than good? Where is their money going?

  • Pied Piper of Panama

    Kalu Yala CEO, Jimmy Stice, welcomes the interns and they learn the lay of the land. While he attends Hatch, an innovation conference in Montana, a student revolt breaks out.

  • Distrust in the Jungle

    Kalu Yala’s interns are beginning to question where their tuition money is really going. JUNGLETOWN, Tuesdays at 10pm.

  • Welcome to the Jungle

    The staff feverishly fix water lines as 80 interns say goodbye to their families and comfortable homes to descend into the jungle of Panama and build a makeshift town.

  • JUNGLETOWN (Series Trailer)

    In the depths of the Panamanian jungle an American entrepreneur and hundreds of young people are building the “world’s most sustainable modern town.”