


  • Purgatory in Paradise

    Greece is a hub of hedonistic nightlife and the site of a refugee crisis. How do the tourists, the immigrants and the destitute locals coexist in this island paradise?

  • The Activists Fighting to Decriminalize Sex Work

    Meet the activists for decriminalizing prostitution in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • Sovereign Citizen Conspiracy Theories

    Jamali Maddix talks to some Sovereign Citizens about Obama, AR-15s, Marriage Licenses, and what’s “really” going on with the federal government.

  • Oil, Gas, and the Effects of Environmental Racism

    Jamali talks with an environmentalist about how drilling for fuel usually means pushing contamination into the places where lower-class people live.

  • SlutWalk Participants on Feminism, Classism, and Hoes

    Destiny Love addresses criticism of the SlutWalk and explains why she doesn’t identify as a feminist.

  • Tim Foley, Arizona Border Recon, and Cocaine Alley

    Tim Foley, founder of Arizona Border Recon, claims that some humanitarians on the border are suffering from white guilt and aiding drug cartels. He also discusses what motivates him to invest time and energy in patrolling the border.

  • Taking Back What’s Ours: SLIDESHOW with Ashley Armitage

    Ashley Armitage talks Taking Back What’s Ours, her photo series that aims to reestablish how women are depicted in art. See more of her work on Instagram @Ladyist

  • Who is Allowed to Say the ‘N’ Word? – VICE Voices

    We asked some of our colleagues here at VICE, “Who can say the N Word?”

  • Al Sharpton on Donald Trump and the Current Administration

    Jamali speaks with Al Sharpton who questions Trump’s commitment to black constituents and civil rights issues. Also a discussion on the Wu-Tang Clan.

  • The Confederacy Wasn’t About Slavery?

    Andrew Duncomb “The Black Rebel” tries to explain that a lot of Confederates “treated the slaves as equal” and General Robert E. Lee “believed slavery was wrong.”

  • Anti-Abortion Protestors (and The People Who Protest Them)

    Jamali attends a protest at a closed Planned Parenthood and meets with anti-abortion preacher Jeff Durbin and Pro-Choice advocates including Errol Mcinnes, a man who follows Jeff regularly in counter-protest.

  • PERFORMANCES: Syd Shaw Raps about Being True to Yourself

    “I can’t help but feel strongly about the adversities we face as minorities. When poverty, mass incarceration, exacerbated mental health issues, and everything else is telling you that you can’t, know that you can. Don’t dim your light, abandon or water down your art in order to survive. 

    When people hear this piece I hope it inspires them to stay true to themselves. You’re a diamond and the pressures you face will only make you better.” – Syd Shaw 

    PERFORMANCES: VICELAND’s favorite vocalists tackle issues that matter to them.

  • PERFORMANCES: OSHUN Sings ”Not My President“

    “We look to our FAMILY, to our sisters and brothers, to OUR community when we consider Liberation. We refuse to give our power and our gifts to an ongoing narrative of unrighteous politics. Let’s use our magic to build our own nations, and tell our own stories.” – OSHUN

    PERFORMANCES: VICELAND’s favorite vocalists tackle issues that matter to them.

  • PERFORMANCES: Madison McFerrin Sings About Police Brutality

    “Can You See? is about the police brutality that happens in America that we seem to ignore and not change systematically, and what it feels like to be a person of color in this country knowing that these things happen on a daily basis.” – Madison McFerrin 

    PERFORMANCES: VICELAND’s favorite vocalists tackle issues that matter to them.

  • Meet the Kids Going to Prison in South Carolina

    Jamali travels to South Carolina to meet kids about to enter a “correctional weekend” that simulates the experience of being in prison.

  • White Man Identifies as Filipino

    Have you ever heard of a “transracial” support group? You have now.