

In Bloom / web

Queer Teens On Love, Life, Dating and Dealing With Parents

VICE headed to the Queer Ideas Festival in Melbourne to chat to attendees and hear about their own experiences of coming out, dealing with bullies, managing conservative parents, crushing on a straight friend and living in “20-gay-teen”.
In Bloom

How Can I Help my Partner Be More Confident in Bed?

Can I get an STI from someone of the same gender as me? How can I have safe lesbian sex? How do you make someone feel comfortable in bed? What are some tips for sexuality and disability? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
In Bloom

Should I Feel Guilty When I Blue Ball My Partner?

What is and isn’t sexual assault? How can I combat rape culture? Should my partner’s blue balls make me feel guilty? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
In Bloom

Is it Weird That I Don’t Shave My Pubic Hair?

Is sex before marriage okay? Should I try anal? Do you have to shave your pubic hair? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
In Bloom

Is It Okay to Send Nudes of Yourself to Someone?

Can you sleep with someone who’s in a relationship? How can you be sexy? Is sending nudes ever okay? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
In Bloom

How Do I Know What Career to Pursue?

Is it bad if I don’t smoke weed? How do I know what career to choose? How do I sustain a healthy relationship with someone who is clinically depressed? Has social media affected mental health? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
In Bloom

How Do You Let Go of a Toxic Friend?

Should you forgive a cheating partner? What should you do if you can’t get aroused? How do you date without Tinder? Answers in this episode of In Bloom.
Daily VICE

Brazilian Confederate Pride

We head out on the road with legendary punk band Dillinger Four and uncover the surprising Confederate pride of Americana, Brazil.