

Zeke Spector Is Not Afraid

Taking Ketamine And Facing My Fear of Dying

VICE producer Zeke Spector tries to conquer his own fear of death by attempting to recreate the conditions of an NDE in order to try and understand understand what death might teach us about life itself.
Future Tense

Future Tense- Ep 1- Cheating Death Virtually

The concept of living forever has lived in pop culture across generations and cultures, but have scientists in Japan finally cracked the code?
Bad Blood

Ο Λαθροκυνηγός που Έγινε ο Προστάτης της Άγριας Ζωής

Ο Buddhiswer Boro είναι πρώην λαθροκυνηγός που έγινε προστάτης της άγριας ζωής στα ίδια τα δάση όπου συνήθιζε να κυνηγά.
Trouble in Paradise

Philippines Environmentalists face Death threats from Land Grabbers | Trouble in Paradise

VWN visits the Philippines 'Masungi Georeserve' to find out how the trustees and park rangers protect it from land grabbers, despite great risk to their personal safety.
I Was There

Why We Must Never Forget The Bhopal Gas Disaster | I Was There

VICE speaks to veteran photojournalist, Raghu Rai about his coverage of the aftermath of India's worst industrial disaster.
Indonesia Riot

Grave Diggers

VICE heads to Bandung to meet Atung and his crew of gravediggers to learn what men who deal with death every day can tell us about life.

A Good Day to Die: Fake Funerals in South Korea (DUPLICATE)

We heads to Seoul to find out why so many Koreans are taking their own lives and to experience the 'fake funeral' phenomenon.

Pakistan's Forgotten Dead

Each year about 3000 unidentified corpses are found on the streets of Karachi. Meet the mortuary workers who track them and try to reunite the bodies with their families

Leaving Earth the Greenest Way Possible: Water Cremation

Motherboard meets Terry Regnier who paving the way for Alkaline hydrolysis, a greener alternative to traditional cremation practices.