Possible Broken Cheekbone
Toy Machine turns hippie. Jaws competes in a pole dance contest. Elijah grinds the flaming rail of doom, and Raven has a near-death experience.
birdhouse, boardslide, chocolate, Documentary, Dreamland Skateparks, Eugene, fire, Lincoln City, manual, Mark Red Scott, Motorcycle accident, nose, Portland, Shrunken Head Skateshop, Skateboarding, Sports, strippers, thrasher, toy machine, vice_videos:en_ca, vice_videos:en_us, vice_videos:premiere
birdhouse, boardslide, chocolate, Documentary, Dreamland Skateparks, Eugene, fire, Lincoln City, manual, Mark Red Scott, Motorcycle accident, nose, Portland, Shrunken Head Skateshop, Skateboarding, Sports, strippers, thrasher, toy machine, vice_videos:en_ca, vice_videos:en_us, vice_videos:premiere