
Séries de


Child's Play

The Gunslinging 10-Year-Old Blowing Up the Internet

While Autumn Fry wasn't born with two glocks in her hands, she might as well have been - she learned to shoot shortly after she learned to walk!
My Life Online

Therapy Gecko: Unmasking the Internet’s Unofficial Therapist

In this Episode of My Life Online, we unmask the man behind the popular green therapist.

Confessions of an International Drug Smuggler

A former drug mule reveals how he made €20,000 per trip smuggling cocaine across Europe.
Dickies - Made To Last

Understanding What Legacy Means to America | Made to Last

VICE and Dickies examine the real stories of America through the eyes of a modernizing rancher, a Chicana third-generation mechanic, and a brotherhood of southern skateboarders.
VICE Canada Reports

New Era of Canadian Sex Work

Canada's Sex Laws come under fire
Rat Park / Clip

Rat Park

A forgotten experiment by a Canadian psychologist from the 1970's called Rat Park shows us that drug addiction is not really about drugs themselves.
VICE News Shorts

Black Panther’s Wakanda Is Real — And It’s In Chicago

VICE News went to Chicago to see what it looks like to recreate Wakanda.
Profiles by VICE / Clip

This Teenager Is Fighting Climate Change by Suing the Government

Trailer for "Climate Changer"
VICE Brasil

Como a impressão 3D pode ajudar na reconstrução do acervo do Museu Nacional

Um enorme incêndio destruiu boa parte do acervo de quase 20 milhões de peças do Museu Nacional, no Rio de Janeiro. Agora, pesquisadores tentam recuperar peças usando tecnologia de impressão 3d.
VICE Brasil

O Helipa LGBT é o maior fluxo queer das periferias brasileiras

Por dentro do maior fluxo de periferia do Brasil voltado à comunidade LGBTQI+.
VICE Brasil

Crianças respondem o que a consciência negra significa para elas

Durante a Marcha do Dia da Consciência Negra 2018, em São Paulo, a VICE perguntou para algumas crianças o que elas entendem por consciência negra.
VICE Brasil

Funk 150 BPM

Neste documentário, DJ Polyvox, Rennan da Penha, Iasmin Turbininha, MC Rebecca, MC Kevin o Chris e DJ Brunno contam sobre as origens do 150 BPM, além de revelar os bastidores de seus sucessos.