

Underreported Greece

Back to Syria

We followed the immigrants who, fed up with the situation in Greece and the lack of hope to get to Europe, have decided to go back to their countries, as Syria, doing the same trip in reverse.
VICE News Shorts

Spontaneous protests rock the U.S. after Trump's refugee ban

Protests erupted around the country this weekend after Donald Trump signed an executive order banning entrance to the U.S. for people from seven Muslim-majority countries
VICE News Tonight on HBO

This French man organized an underground network to help hundreds of refugees

The story of farmer Cedric Herrou, who helped hundreds of migrants cross the border into France, and now may face jail time.
Breaking Borders

Greece's Impending Humanitarian Catastrophe

As the European Union dissolves into heated disagreement over shared responsibility, VICE News correspondent Milène Larsson visits a tent city that's cropped up at the Greek-Macedonian border.
Breaking Borders

Protest Through Sewn Lips

As demolition work enters its stride on day three of the evictions, VICE News returns to the Jungle to find out what life is like for those affected.
VICE News Specials

Leave EU Supporters Launch Latest Ad in Controversial Campaign

VICE News headed to Clacton, where UKIP leader Nigel Farage today unveiled the latest poster for their campaign to leave the EU.

Child Refugee Reunification

Tow brothers find each other after two and a half years.
On The Line

David Enders on Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

VICE News producer and correspondent David Enders joined On The Line to take your questions about life for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and the latest from Iraq and Syria.
VICE News Specials

Arab Winter: Syrian Refugees in the Bekaa Valley

VICE News returns to a refugee camp in Lebanon where families continue to live in exile.
VICE News Specials

Rescuing Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam

VICE News meets a network of ex-Muslims based in London, helping others who have left Islam, as they escape imprisonment and violence.
VICE Canada Reports

Syria to the Six

Syrian refugee in Canada
Europe or Die

Storming the Spanish Fence

We travel the Mediterranean to three of the most dangerous gateways into Europe.