


Motherboard Shorties

Cum e să înoți cu o proteză

Ne-am întâlnit cu Kevin Vaughan, un veteran de 28 de ani care a rămas fără un picior, ca să vedem cum înoată cu o proteză gândită pentru apă.
Tonic Specials

Cum e să fii cobai pentru ketamina anti-depresie

Dacă marijuana e deja folosită în multe tratamente, de ce n-ar fi și ketamina?
International Mom Advice

Cele mai ciudate leacuri băbești pentru răceală, din India

Fă cunoștință cu o maestră în remedii naturale.
Sweat It

How to do Jiu Jitsu with Adam Machin

The New York-based tattoo artist and Jiu Jitsu enthusiast demonstrates the Kimura, a popular submission move in mixed martial arts.
Tonic Shorties

Running is the Worst Way to Get Fit

Studies show that running is an inefficient way to burn fat and build muscle. And yet, it’s the most popular exercise on earth after walking.
Tonic Specials

The Silent HIV Crisis Sweeping the American South

We travel to Jackson, Mississippi, one of the hardest-hit Southern cities, to investigate why HIV among black gay men has reached epidemic proportions.
Tonic Specials

Hepatitis Country: Inside America's Hep C Epidemic

3.5 million people in the United States and infected with Hep C, Vice traveled to Huntington, West Virginia to see one of the communities who have been hit the hardest.
International Mom Advice

Ukrainian Skin Remedy

We document sometimes strange, sometimes effective and always fascinating folk medicines and home remedis from around the world, as demonstrated by moms in their kitchens.
Tonic Spotlight

Death in A Can: Australia's Euthanasia Loophole

Max Dog Brewing sells canisters of nitrogen for carbonating beer, or killing yourself, depending on who you ask.