Merodamus Predicts the Taylor Swift Hip-Hop Album
Taylor Swift’s forthcoming album might be a “mix of hip-hop and Rย & B,” in case you thought white women were done after the election.
Safety Pins, the New #Woke Fashion Statement
Safety pins: great for holding things together, like the illusion you’re doing something.
Donald Trump Threatens to Put Racists on Timeout
Donald Trump sends message of peace by telling people spreading the hate he incited to “stop it.”
Malik Obama, King of Trash Relatives
We all have *that* relative. For President Obama, that relative is his brother Malik.
Deray McKesson on the Election and his Illuminati Membership
We talk to educator and activist Deray McKesson on what happened during last night’s election, activism, and his Illuminati membership.
White Women, WYD?!?!?!?
White women supporting Hillary forget to tell the others at the weekly meeting.