


This Must Be The Place / S1 EP1

Free Stuff

Love getting something for nothing?
Renters Guide to D.I.Y. - Created with GEICO

Bouncing Light With Mirrors

Hosts Colin and Tynan will teach you how to bounce even a single light source throughout your place, without added electricity (or DIY windows).
Renters Guide to D.I.Y. - Created with GEICO

Spackling & Sanding

Your security deposit will be safe with our wall perfecting move-out tips.
Renters Guide to D.I.Y. - Created with GEICO

Winter-Proofing Windows

Shiver no more with our winter-proofing window tip to combat the notorious drafty window.
Renters Guide to D.I.Y. - Created with GEICO

Proper Wall Hanging

Proper wall hanging isn’t rocket science, but it will impress your friends, your family, and maybe even your landlord.
GEICO - Debt Diaries / web

How I Paid off $40k of Credit Card Debt

Think twice before you swipe. In episode 3 of Debt Diaries, a Business Analyst shares how she paid off $39k of credit card debt.
GEICO - Debt Diaries / web

How a Student Paid off $70k of Debt

Don't buy what you can't afford. In episode 4 of Debt Diaries, a student tells us how she paid off $70k of lifestyle debt.
GEICO - Debt Diaries / web

How I'm Paying Off $220,000 of Student Loan Debt - Created with GEICO

Go to school, not into debt. In this episode of Debt Diaries, attorney Joseph Fan shares how he's dealing with $220,000 worth of student loan debt.
GEICO - Debt Diaries / web

How I Paid Off the Debt From Financing My Own Film - Created with GEICO

Want to make a movie? Make sure you budget. In episode 1 of Debt Diaries filmmaker Simmons McDavid shares how he paid off his creative debt.
Makes Cents Created with Geico / web


Don't make the split any more painful than it already is by trashing your credit score as well.
Makes Cents Created with Geico / web

Moving In

Avoid money fights down the line by having a real conversation about your finances and money goals now.
Makes Cents Created with Geico / web


Getting creative with your plans can make the time you spend together feel even more special.