

I Was There / web

Mumbai Terror Attack - 26/11

On November 26, 2008, a group of men held Mumbai hostage. Actress and celebrity chef Amrita Raichand was present and tells Vice World News how she survived.
Deadly Beauty

Hair Transplant

Indian men are risking their lives to avoid going bald.

Violation: Indian Muslim Women Auctioned Online

Photographs of over 100 Muslim women were put up on sale on an Indian app called ‘Sulli Deals’. The target included Muslim women across age groups.
The Big Steal

The Commonwealth Games Scam

This is the story of how India’s officials set up a maze of scams at one of the biggest sporting events in the world.
Street Food Icons

The Idli King of Bangalore

On the streets of Bangalore, India, the mother & son duo behind Iyer Idly serve hundreds of idlis a day.

Trolley Times

Navkiran Natt is one of the founders of Trolley Times, a newspaper started as a voice of farmers' protest. With a following of 100k, Trolley Times has used its platform to push for a repeal of three contentious farm laws in India.
Bad Blood

How I Went From Poaching Elephants and Rhinos to Protecting Them | Bad Blood

In this episode of Bad Blood, VWN talks to a former poacher about leaving that life behind to become a protector of wildlife in the very forests where he used to hunt.

I Went Undercover in a Scam Call Center

Behind every scam call is a scammer. Some feel no guilt, but some know they’re doing the wrong thing. We speak to a scammer turned savior, to learn why he swapped sides.
VICE World News APAC

How COVID Gave the Big Fat Indian Wedding a Makeover

After the long postponements couples in India are downsizing their weddings, or choosing online ceremonies, shaking up the estimated 50 billion dollar industry out of its COVID limbo.
The War On Drugs

Die in Agony: The War on Medicine

The War on Drugs is bad for your health. We explore how the drug war impacts medicine, causing massive, unnecessary suffering.
I Was There

Why We Must Never Forget The Bhopal Gas Disaster | I Was There

In 1984, one of the world's worst industrial disasters befell the residents of Bhopal, India, when a nearby pesticide plant leaked a toxic gas. Veteran photojournalist Raghu Rai was there to photograph its aftermath.
Wagairah Wagairah

Why Indian Truck Drivers Get Their Trucks Painted

VICE catches up with some Indian truck drivers to understand why they get their trucks painted in vivid imagery and text, and how it helps them find a little piece of ‘home’, when on the road.