Criminal Justice


Covid Justice Reform

'Never Going Back:' Releasing Inmates During a Pandemic

A look at how COVID-19 is impacting the juvenile justice system in Seattle, Washington.
Red Cards

The Death of Will Smith

Red Cards unpacks the shooting of former NFL Saints player, Will Smith. The investigation takes us to New Orleans, a vibrant city with a historically controversial legal system.
VICE Specials

An Ex-Con's Journey Back to Prison: Revolving Doors

Filmmaker James Burns spent two years following Jason Bobbitt, an ex-convict and father of five who, despite attempts to retain meaningful employment, fails and returns to prison.
Red Right Hand

A Wrongful Murder Conviction and 18-Year Fight for Justice: The Fairbanks Four

VICE trekked to Alaska to tell the story of the Fairbanks Four, a group of native teens who were wrongfully convicted of murder in 1997.
VICE News Shorts

Inmates are using VR for a chance to get out of prison

VICE News visited a Colorado prison as longtime inmates used virtual reality for the first time.
ACLU and U

Criminal Justice Reform

In 2013, Jason Hernandez was the first latino American to receive clemency from President Obama along with other non-violent drug offenders in an unprecedented gesture to address injustice in the criminal justice system.
VICE News Tonight on HBO

Obama Legacy: Criminal Justice

A look at President Obama's criminal justice legacy: pardoning drug offenders but increasing deportations of illegal immigrants
Justice / Clip

Debtors' Prisons: Life Inside America’s For-Profit Justice System

We meet Thomas Barrett, a former homeless man who paid thousands in probation fees over the theft of a two-dollar can of beer.
Justice / Clip

Debtors' Prisons: Life Inside America’s For-Profit Justice System

VICE examines the ways these local governments have turned broken-windows policing into profit, and meets the people who are fighting back.
VICE News Specials

Barred from the Ballot Box: Disenfranchised in New York

VICE News spends time with a man with a felony conviction in New York who is fighting to get his voting rights back.

VICE Special Report: Fixing The System

In July 2015, Barack Obama became the first sitting president to visit a federal prison. He invited VICE along to film the historic event for part of a documentary, Fixing the System, which investigated America's broken criminal justice system.